Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm glad Jesus loves stupid people.

God is so good! He continues to poor out blessing after blessing into my life-why? I don't know.

When I'm least expecting it, He reveals truth about Himself to me from His Word, and it is almost overwhelming. No wonder the very presence of God is enough to kill a man. When He speaks, it changes you. There's something about the Truth that is so powerful, it actually changes you from the inside.

This journey as a follower of Jesus Christ is so amazing! Learning the truth is so amazing, when the whole world is covered in lies and deceit. And being conformed to that truth through the power of Jesus Christ living in me is my life.

His grace overwhelms me if I stop to think about it for any longer than a few seconds.
When I'm the least interested in seeking Him, He brings me to my knees and reveals Himself to me in a way that I can hardly endure. And it's definitely not because of anything I've done. God is so good.

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