Saturday, May 12, 2007


It's Saturday, and all this blogging is wearing me out, lol. I haven't been this involved in discussion since my Faith, Reason, and Imagination class last semester. (talk about being challenged in explaining/defending your faith). I have way exceeded my limits, but hopefully all this blogging will be habit-forming.

Jeff is gone to St. Louis. :O( I have no life. Which reminds me:

I admire Kristen Barfield and J.C. Thompson more than I even think I know. They have put the L-O-N-G-D-I-S-T-A-N-C-E in the long-distance relationship. They probably even put the r-e-l-a-t-i-o-n-s-h-i-p there, too. I'm glad we're all getting married together!

I miss you, Jeff.


Andrew said...

So you guys are all going to be married to each other WOW. I guess this means you're moving to Utah as well. LOL

jeff hill said...

I missed you too precious. I love you so much.